Tech to Go!

Learn together with Tech to Go!

What is Tech to Go? ✱✱✱

Tech to Go とは?

Tech to Go aims to help connect generational bridges through technology. Our mission is to create programs to better connect and involve anyone interested in learning about their devices through learning, volunteerism, and fun. Additionally, we hope to increase digital fluency and interest among seniors by offering a safe and supportive community to practice and learn. 

Tech to Go はテクノロジーを使うことで世代間の橋渡しをします。シニアの方々が楽しみながら学び、そしてボランティアすることを通じてコミュニティーとのつながりを深めます。安心できる環境でデジタルデバイスを練習して、もっと便利で楽しい毎日を!

This program is offered by Tonari Gumi Volunteers Association.

Class Types

Learning Group (General & Advanced)


Our tech support club aims to provide an interactive environment in small class sizes (approx. 10 people). We offer fun activities, creative tech-projects, as well as beginner lessons where students can learn together.


Note that programs and topics vary depending on the location.

Private Learning Session


The one-on-one, private learning session offers focused time on the student to solve their specific or personal tech-issues. Each booking runs for 45 mins, and is a great opportunity to explore your device.



Which session should I join?

If you are having trouble figuring out which session you would like to join, here are some scenarios that can help you figure out what your first session will be!



Learning Center

Classroom Content

An collection of all the information content used in our group sessions.

Additional Resources

Various support websites on how you can fix tech-problems - on your own!